18 may 2010

Algo está tramando Rebeka Brown...

Algo está tramando Rebeka Brown...

Va a ser todo un bombazo que nos tiene preparado...

De momento os podemos avanzar que este fin de semana ha estado reunida en Valencia con su equipo de imagen, KEY PROJECT FREELANCES, presentando a su nuevo productor y miembro de su "team" HENRY SARMIENTO.

Imagen, website, nuevos lanzamientos....

Muy pronto nos enteraremos de todo... Estad atentos al blog y a las newsletter.

Recuerda que si quieres recibir la newsletter mensual de Rebeka, solo debes mandar un mail con el asunto ALTA LISTA CORREO a info@weloverebeka.com

Something's going on with Rebeka Brown...

But it looks like she's planning something really cool for us!

The only thing we can ensure by the moment is that she has recently introduced Mr. Henry SARMIENTO to KEY PROJECT FREELANCES, her support team.

As soon as we hear something more of it, we will of course let you know, so don't stop checking our blog and newsletters.

Together with Henry, Rebeka Brown intends to release a brand new image, website, new tracks and work hard for much more fun stuff.

Remember that if you want to join Rebeka Brown's Fansite and being up-to-date of her goings-on, you just have to send us an e-mail with 'MAILING LIST' subject to info@weloverebeka.com.

Don't hesitate!